Festival ZOOM otvaramo premijernom izvedbom predstave “Ovo nije kvintet” u produkciji Prostora + iz Rijeke i Danspoolena iz Švedske. /// The premiere of This is not a Quintet, produced by Prostor Plus from Rijeka and Danspoolen from Sweden, is scheduled for the opening night.
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Utorak ❙ Tuesday 03.09.2013. 20:00 ❙ HKD Sušak, Strossmayerova 1 Ovo nije kvintet ❙ This is not a quintet Premijera ❙ Premiere Prostor Plus (HR) & Danspoolen (SE) ✖✖✖ Oscilirajući između koreografskog i kazališnog modaliteta predstava Ovo nije kvintet neprekidno je defokusiranje jasnih razlika između fikcije i dokumentarističkih protokola, realizirana kao eksperiment podrivanja reprezentacije i hijerarhijskog ustrojstva klasične dramske strukture. Autoreferencijalnim mapiranjem, dokumentiranjem i haluciniranjem odnosa s publikom već će se u prvih par minuta razbiti „četvrti zid“, a aktivirati intersubjektivni prostor scene, gdje je publika suočena ne samo s nesigurnim statusom i namjerno konfuznim žanrom predstave, već i s pogledima drugih gledatelja. U međusobnoj tenziji dviju vizura, izvedba kruži oko afirmiranja i vrlo često komičnog negiranja očiglednog stanja stvari. Time se uspostavlja tautološka situacija koja se potom komentira, radikalizira tjelesnom gestom ili pak ironično opovrgava bijegom u fantaziju. (…) Ono što preostaje i što predstavlja svojevrsni anti-klimaks, jest pobunjeni akt pojedinca koji prkosi obezličavanju kroz izdrilanu tjelesnost i svoj protest izvodi ustrajavajući u oprisutnjavanju izvan spektakla. Riječka udruga za scenske umjetnosti Prostor Plus pruža pojedincima aktivnima u području suvremenog plesa i fizičkog kazališta mogućnost razvijanja izvedbene prakse. Uslijed nedostatka visokoškolskih obrazovnih instituacija za moderni ples i fizičko kazalište u Hrvatskoj, Prostor Plus lokalnoj publici nudi prostorno-specifične izvedbe, predavanja i filmske projekcije. Tijekom posljednjih jedanaest godina njihovi su plesni umjetnici, programi i produkcije obilježili kulturno-umjetničku scenu, a prikazani su i na nekim od najpoznatijih festivala u Hrvatskoj. Danspoolen je projekt Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj i dio je Kulturnih i kreativnih industrija. Provodi ga Dans i Nord, regionalni centar za unaprjeđenje plesa u švedskoj regiji Norrbotten. Cilj ovog projekta je osigurati plesnim i izvedbenim umjetnicima mogućnost samostalnog rada i produkcije, ali i privući posjetitelje i turiste, mlade plesne umjetnike i ostale zainteresirane za kulturu i umjetnost. ✖✖✖ Oscillating between choreographic and theatre modality, the performance This is not a quintet is an incessant defocusing of clear distinctions between fiction and documentary protocols, carried out as an experiment of debasing the representation and hierarchy organization of classical dramatic structure. Through self-referential mapping, documenting and imagining the relationship with the audience, the fourth wall will break down in the first few minutes of the performace, which will consequently activate the intersubjective space of the scene, where the audience is confronted not only with the insecure status and intentionally confusing genre of the performance, but also with looks of other spectators. In the intertension of two vistas, the performance circles around affirmation and, very frequently, comical negation of the obvious state of affairs. This helps establishing a tautological situation, which is then commented, radicalised with corporeal gesture or is again ironically disputed by escaping to fantasy. (…) What is left and what represents a kind of anti-climax is a rebellious act of an individual, who defies impersonalization through trained corporeality and performs his/her protest by insisting on becoming present outside the spectacle. Prostor Plus is an association for performing arts from Rijeka that provides dance and physical theatre artists with training and performance opportunities. Since there are no higher education institutions for contemporary dance and physical theater in Croatia, Prostor Plus offers site-specific performances, lectures and film screenings to local audiences. Over the past last eleven years, this association has literally seeded the performing arts scene with artists, programs and productions displayed at some of the most important festivals in Croatia. Danspoolen is the European Regional Development Fund project within the Cultural and Creative Industries organized by Dans i Nord, a regional resource- and development centre for dance in the region of Norrbotten, Sweden. The project aims at creating a working environment where professional dance- and movement-based artists can support themselves in pursuing their careers, consequently strengthening the region’s attractiveness among visitors and tourists, young dance and movement-based artists and other people interested in art and culture. ✖✖✖ Koncept ❙ concept: Selma Banich Asistirala na oblikovanju koncepta ❙ assisted by: Sandra Banić Naumovski Izvode ❙ performed by: Ivana Kalc, Tanja Kalčić, Erika Pekula Pettersson, Johannes Blomqvist & Antonio Kiselić Ovo nije solo za pet metronoma ❙ This is not a solo for five metronomes Skladatelj ❙ composed by: Adam Semijalac Dramaturg / dramaturge: Andrej Mirčev Astrološka karta predstave ❙ astrological chart of the performance: Maja Radešić Oblikovatelj rasvjete ❙ lighting designer: Alan Vukelić Grafičko oblikovanje ❙ graphic designer: Dobriša Radovanović / Manufaktura Prijevod ❙ translation: Lidija Zoldoš Produkcija ❙ production: Prostor + (HRV) & Danspoolen (SWE) Koprodukcija ❙ co-production: Drugo more (HRV) Projekt inicirala ❙ project initiated by: Marie Grundström Hvala ❙ thank you: Mila Čuljak, Kate Foley, Sanja Gergorić, Esta Matković, Nives Soldičić & Dean Rožić ✖✖✖ Ostvareno uz potporu Grada Rijeke – Odjel gradske uprave za kulturu, Ministarstva kulture RH i Danspoolena (Europski fond za regionalni razvoj, Švedska agencija za gospodarski i regionalni razvoj). Realizirano kroz radnu platformu Molekule. Supported by the City of Rijeka – City Department of Culture and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and Danspoolen (European founf for regional development, swedish agency for economic and regional growth). Realised through the working platform of Molekula. ✖✖✖ Predstava se izvodi na engleskom jeziku. The performance is in English language. ✖✖✖ |